Psychedelic City Guide: Sedona

The drive up to Sedona I was greeted with an intense gravitational pull from the energy vortexes. It was high and dry in the Arizona Mountains in June. With packed snacks for the road, hiking shoes, plenty of water, I arrived at my first trail.

This wasn’t your typical Monday morning. Just as I was coming around the mountains, where the roads clung to every curve, I suddenly lost service on my phone. Realizing that I’d probably have limited service the entire trip, I was glad I had downloaded my Green Goddess Glow playlist and set an away message for incoming emails. I had agreed with my getaway partner that we’d invite inexplicably wonderful things to happen.

With our intention set, and after our first successful hike through the canyon, we pulled into the resort. Fruit containers were stained with water spots and our mushroom chocolates had begun to melt because of the heat. Out there, in Sedona, I was in awe but the majesty of nature. I reflected on how many communities of native peoples must have settled there. The mountains took shape resembling statues in stone, looking like sister queens from one perspective and animal totems in others. The conversation between the mountains was carried by the winds, the gusts were loud and roaring at times.

Every experience I’ve ever had with mushrooms only made me more aware of subtle energies. I was more present in my interaction with the natural world around me. Everything was vibrant and by midday on the second day, I was grateful for the overcast the day before. Between Monday and Tuesday, we visited Cathedral Rock, Boynton Canyon, Devil’s Bridge, and Airport Mesa. Each offering either masculine energy, feminine energy, or both. At the conclusion of my sweat therapy, a literal mystical experience, I decided to make it a repeat occurrence and I look forward to returning. Next time, with a heavier dose of ‘shrooms.

If you’re planning your own psychedelic trip to Sedona, here’s what you’ll need:


Sustainable Water Bottle

You’ll need water! And lots of it! Be sure to find a local water refill station that offers alkaline water. You want to hydrate yourself with the best water you can find, preferably water that isn’t in plastic bottles and has a PH of 8+.


Some people say cannabis intensifies the mushroom’s experience. For me, maybe because I’m a frequent consumer, it made me feel more embodied.


It wouldn’t be much of a psychedelic trip without psilocybin. On this trip we did Alacabenzi mushrooms in 2.5 MG chocolates over several hours totaling 1.5 to 2 grams.

Proper Hiking Shoes

I’m speaking from experience. You don’t want to be tripping balls and hanging off the side of a mountain afraid to look down, having a serious panic attack because you feel like your shoes don’t have enough grip for your next step. Invest in hiking shoes! (Update: I got HOKA hiking shoes and I LOVE them!)

A Patient Hiking Partner

Thank God I decided to do this trip with someone who trusts themselves, and me, enough to climb to the heights that we did. Sometimes you need someone to encourage you, to remind you how strong and capable you are and to trust yourself when you can’t get past your own limiting beliefs of what you can accomplish: a true reflection. We have this saying now: another day, another mountain. A beautiful reminder to feel the fear and do it anyway—whatever it is. When you’re going at it alone, have patience with yourself when your battle seems like an uphill one and congratulate yourself when you’ve conquered your own fears of what’s on the other side.


I burned palos Santo and greeted every creature with a smile, sometimes a song, thanking them for allowing us into their home. While presence is an offering in itself, additional ideas for offerings include: fruits, flowers, spirits, tobacco and cannabis.

Revitalizing Fruits

We were out there for hours. The shortest time we spent out on a hike was approximately 2.5 hours. The first day we found an acai bowl shop and the second day we had a green smoothie. One in the morning and the second just before checking out that afternoon. Be sure to add oats and antioxidant-rich blueberries. I like that I don’t have to worry about getting hungry too soon after and smoothies are great for rehydrating. After a 3-hour hike I just needed something quick and to-the-point. Nutrients please!


Because you will sweat and wiping your face with your shirt will not suffice.

Mist Body Spray

I packed my lavender panty spray by Honey Pot for personal upkeep but was pleasantly surprised when I learned it was good for under-arm use, feet and shoes. Needless to say, it served its entire purpose in Sedona.


Green Goddess Glow illuminates a path to wellness inspired by the natural world. Exalt the divine feminine within through our educational workshops, self-care tips and on-demand wellness practices.


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