Danielle Mckinney’s rich, textured portraits mirror our relationship to rest and reimagination
Herbs are the Victory
The Journal
Our intention is to introduce a self-care regimen with language that centers Spiritual wellbeing and reconnects us to the natural world
whether through the way we nourish our bodies, our skincare routines, the use of plant medicines or taking a moment to breathe deeply, we are consciously practicing being present with Spirit in our everyday lives. It’s through practice we embody the wisdom that comes from our deep connection to ourselves and the living world around us. The rituals and experiences shared here help us cultivate our joy, worthiness and self love from within so that it radiates through to our external reality. Join us as we continue this self care journey full of continuous transformation.
‘We Don’t Always Have to Be Sexual’ Danielle McKinney on Her Potent Portraits of Feminine Solitude
Globally, sweet potato is the seventh most important staple and for good reason. Sweet potatoes contain complex carbs and vitamin B which produce serotonin, the pleasure chemical in the brain. Sweet potatoes are also regarded as a functional food, as they provide, in addition to nutrients, other physiological benefits.
JT has zero light pollution so once the sun sets you see every star in visible to the naked eye. I’ve never felt more a part of the cosmos than while listening to the wind roam underneath glaring night sky.
There are many ways to approach the ritual bath but ultimately it is drawn with an intention. A ritual bath can serve as a tool for grounding, auric cleansing, or cord-cutting to re-establish healthy boundaries.
I remember the first time I made infused brownies when I was in undergrad. I did such a poor job. I knew nothing about dosing, cooking temperatures, onset times, or how to deescalate the situation in the event of overconsumption. I’ve come a long way from experimenting in my dorm room.